IRATA – IRAANZ Cross Credit

Recognition of the IRATA qualification by IRAANZ

The Industrial Rope Access in NZ: Best Practice Guidelines was released by the Department of Labour (now WorkSafe) in May 2012. This guideline recommended that industrial rope access operators hold the NZQA National Certificate in Rope Access (as proof of qualification) and an IRAANZ CoC (as proof of competency). These recommendations are becoming widely accepted as “best practice” by WorkSafe inspectors, Councils, Corporates and large public / privately owned companies around the country.


IRATA Level 2 and 3 qualified rope access technicians, and other internationally recognised qualifications, are recognised by IRAANZ and therefore permitted to bypass most of the NZQA qualification to obtain an IRAANZ Level 3 or 4 Certificate of Competences respectively.


You can then hold dual qualifications, for example, an IRAANZ CoC and an IRATA qualification which would maximise your work opportunities while operating in NZ.


To obtain an IRAANZ CoC Level 3 and 4, students who hold IRATA Level 2 or 3 respectively will be required to obtain some key NZQA unit standards (in additional to the IRAANZ CoC practical skills assessment). IRATA Level 1 students may only apply for the IRAANZ Entry Level card.


For more detailed information of the IRAANZ CoC process for IRATA qualified students, go to the CoC section of the IRAANZ website

Certificate of Competence