About Us

Important Notice
As of April 1st, 2024, the Industrial Rope Access Association of New Zealand (IRAANZ) has officially amalgamated with the Scaffolding, Access, and Rigging Association of New Zealand (SARNZ). For all Rope Access industry details, resources, and membership information, please visit SARNZ.ORG.NZ.
We look forward to continuing to serve and support the Rope Access community under the SARNZ banner.
IRAANZ was formed in 1997 by NZ based rope access companies and individuals who wanted to present a united voice on common issues of concern. Over the past 20 years, the association has grown to include representation from all parts of NZ and within contracting, training and suppliers alike.
IRAANZ has helped develop industry Best Practice Guidelines for Rope Access and continues to provide technical advice to WorksafeNZ and other government agencies and training providers on the NZ rope access industry.
Since 2016, the association has developed its own Certificate on Competence (CoC) process to provide NZ clients with a measure of competency of rope access operators on their sites. These CoC cards are now commonplace in many NZ work sites.
As a voice for the NZ rope access industry, we encourage all companies and individuals whose business is industrial abseiling to become members of IRAANZ. By actively supporting your own industry and the improvement of its standards, you will make an investment not only in yourself but also in the industry’s future.